InControl API Reference
InControl Namespace Reference


class  BindingListenOptions
class  BindingSource
 The abstract base class for all binding sources. A binding source can be bound to an action and provides an input source. It essentially represents a control bound to an action, whether it be a controller button, a key or combination of keys, or a mouse button, etc. An action may have multiple binding sources bound. An InputDevice may serve as context for a binding source, especially in the case of controllers. For example, the binding source may be "Left Trigger," but when querying a value for the binding, a specific InputDevice must be provided. Not all bindings require an input device. Keyboard or mouse bindings do not. More...
interface  BindingSourceListener
class  DeviceBindingSource
class  DeviceBindingSourceListener
class  KeyBindingSource
class  KeyBindingSourceListener
struct  KeyCombo
 Represents a combination of one or more keys, including modifiers, up to a maximum of eight. More...
class  MouseBindingSource
class  MouseBindingSourceListener
class  PlayerAction
 This class represents a single action that may have multiple controls bound to it. A bound control is represented by a subclass of BindingSource. For example, DeviceBindingSource provides input from a control on any supported InputDevice. Similarly, KeyBindingSource provides input from one or more keypresses. An action may have any number of bindings. Actions have two groups of bindings defined: default bindings and regular bindings. Default bindings are the predefined default bindings, and the current bindings for the action can be reset to this group in a single operation. Regular bindings are those added by users, most likely at runtime in a settings menu or the like. There are no other distinctions between these groupings; they are purely for organizational convenience. More...
class  PlayerActionSet
 An action set represents a set of actions, usually for a single player. This class must be subclassed to be used. An action set can contain both explicit, bindable single value actions (for example, "Jump", "Left" and "Right") and implicit, aggregate actions which combine together other actions into one or two axes, for example "Move", which might consist of "Left", "Right", "Up" and "Down" filtered into a single two-axis control with its own applied circular deadzone, queryable vector value, etc. More...
class  PlayerOneAxisAction
class  PlayerTwoAxisAction
class  UnknownDeviceBindingSource
class  UnknownDeviceBindingSourceListener
struct  UnknownDeviceControl
class  InspectorNameAttribute
class  InControlManager
class  DeadZone
interface  IInputControl
class  InputControl
class  InputControlMapping
struct  InputControlSource
struct  InputControlState
struct  InputRange
 This type represents a range inclusive of two values, and can remap a value from one range to another. More...
class  OneAxisInputControl
class  TwoAxisInputControl
class  InControlException
struct  LogMessage
class  Logger
class  InputDevice
struct  InputDeviceInfo
class  InputDeviceManager
class  HexadecimalAttribute
struct  InputDeviceMatcher
class  InputDeviceProfile
class  InputDeviceStyleExtensions
class  InputManager
interface  IKeyboardProvider
class  UnityKeyboardProvider
interface  IMouseProvider
class  UnityMouseProvider
class  NativeInputDevice
class  NativeInputDeviceManager
class  NativeInputDeviceProfileAttribute
class  NativeInputDeviceProfileList
struct  NativeInputOptions
struct  NativeVersionInfo
class  OuyaEverywhereDevice
class  OuyaEverywhereDeviceManager
class  TouchButtonControl
class  TouchStickControl
class  TouchSwipeControl
class  TouchTrackControl
class  Touch
class  TouchControl
class  TouchInputDevice
class  TouchManager
class  TouchPool
class  TouchSprite
class  TouchUtility
class  UnityInputDevice
class  UnityInputDeviceManager
class  UnityInputDeviceProfileAttribute
class  UnityInputDeviceProfileList
interface  IUpdateable
class  MarshalUtility
class  OptionalTypeHasNoValueException
struct  OptionalFloat
struct  OptionalInputDeviceDriverType
struct  OptionalInputDeviceTransportType
struct  OptionalInt16
struct  OptionalInt32
struct  OptionalUInt16
struct  OptionalUInt32
class  PreserveAttribute
class  Reflector
class  SingletonMonoBehavior
class  ThreadSafeQueue
class  Utility
struct  VersionInfo
 Encapsulates a comparable version number. This version number generally conforms to the semantic version system. More...


using UnityKey = UnityEngine.KeyCode
using DeviceHandle = System.UInt32


enum class  BindingSourceRejectionType : int { None = 0 , DuplicateBindingOnAction , DuplicateBindingOnActionSet }
enum class  BindingSourceType : int {
  None = 0 , DeviceBindingSource , KeyBindingSource , MouseBindingSource ,
enum class  Key : int {
  None , Shift , Alt , Command ,
  Control , LeftShift , LeftAlt , LeftCommand ,
  LeftControl , RightShift , RightAlt , RightCommand ,
  RightControl , Escape , F1 , F2 ,
  F3 , F4 , F5 , F6 ,
  F7 , F8 , F9 , F10 ,
  F11 , F12 , Key0 , Key1 ,
  Key2 , Key3 , Key4 , Key5 ,
  Key6 , Key7 , Key8 , Key9 ,
  A , B , C , D ,
  E , F , G , H ,
  I , J , K , L ,
  M , N , O , P ,
  Q , R , S , T ,
  U , V , W , X ,
  Y , Z , Backquote , Minus ,
  Equals , Backspace , Tab , LeftBracket ,
  RightBracket , Backslash , Semicolon , Quote ,
  Return , Comma , Period , Slash ,
  Space , Insert , Delete , Home ,
  End , PageUp , PageDown , LeftArrow ,
  RightArrow , UpArrow , DownArrow , Pad0 ,
  Pad1 , Pad2 , Pad3 , Pad4 ,
  Pad5 , Pad6 , Pad7 , Pad8 ,
  Pad9 , Numlock , PadDivide , PadMultiply ,
  PadMinus , PadPlus , PadEnter , PadPeriod ,
  Clear , PadEquals , F13 , F14 ,
  F15 , AltGr , CapsLock , ExclamationMark ,
  Tilde , At , Hash , Dollar ,
  Percent , Caret , Ampersand , Asterisk ,
  LeftParen , RightParen , Underscore , Plus ,
  LeftBrace , RightBrace , Pipe , Colon ,
  DoubleQuote , LessThan , GreaterThan , QuestionMark
enum class  Mouse : int {
  None , LeftButton , RightButton , MiddleButton ,
  NegativeX , PositiveX , NegativeY , PositiveY ,
  PositiveScrollWheel , NegativeScrollWheel , Button4 , Button5 ,
  Button6 , Button7 , Button8 , Button9
enum class  InControlUpdateMode { Default , FixedUpdate , Manual }
enum class  InputControlSourceType { None , Button , Analog , KeyCode }
enum class  InputControlType : int {
  None = 0 , LeftStickUp = 1 , LeftStickDown , LeftStickLeft ,
  LeftStickRight , LeftStickButton , RightStickUp , RightStickDown ,
  RightStickLeft , RightStickRight , RightStickButton , DPadUp ,
  DPadDown , DPadLeft , DPadRight , LeftTrigger ,
  RightTrigger , LeftBumper , RightBumper , Action1 ,
  Action2 , Action3 , Action4 , Action5 ,
  Action6 , Action7 , Action8 , Action9 ,
  Action10 , Action11 , Action12 , Back = 100 ,
  Start , Select , System , Options ,
  Pause , Menu , Share , Home ,
  View , Power , Capture , Assistant ,
  Plus , Minus , Create , Mute ,
  PedalLeft = 150 , PedalRight , PedalMiddle , GearUp ,
  GearDown , Pitch = 200 , Roll , Yaw ,
  ThrottleUp , ThrottleDown , ThrottleLeft , ThrottleRight ,
  POVUp , POVDown , POVLeft , POVRight ,
  TiltX = 250 , TiltY , TiltZ , ScrollWheel ,
  TouchPadTap , TouchPadButton , TouchPadXAxis , TouchPadYAxis ,
  LeftSL , LeftSR , RightSL , RightSR ,
  Command = 300 , LeftStickX , LeftStickY , RightStickX ,
  RightStickY , DPadX , DPadY , LeftCommand ,
  RightCommand , Analog0 = 400 , Analog1 , Analog2 ,
  Analog3 , Analog4 , Analog5 , Analog6 ,
  Analog7 , Analog8 , Analog9 , Analog10 ,
  Analog11 , Analog12 , Analog13 , Analog14 ,
  Analog15 , Analog16 , Analog17 , Analog18 ,
  Analog19 , Button0 = 500 , Button1 , Button2 ,
  Button3 , Button4 , Button5 , Button6 ,
  Button7 , Button8 , Button9 , Button10 ,
  Button11 , Button12 , Button13 , Button14 ,
  Button15 , Button16 , Button17 , Button18 ,
  Button19 , Count
 An enumeration of input controls. This includes both the standardized set of controls and a variety of non-standard and generic unnamed controls. More...
enum class  InputRangeType : int {
  None = 0 , MinusOneToOne , OneToMinusOne , ZeroToOne ,
  ZeroToMinusOne , OneToZero , MinusOneToZero
enum class  LogMessageType { Info , Warning , Error }
enum class  InputDeviceClass : int {
  Unknown = 0 , Keyboard , Mouse , Controller ,
  Remote , FlightStick , TouchScreen
enum class  InputDeviceDriverType : ushort {
  Unknown , HID , USB , Bluetooth ,
  XInput , DirectInput , RawInput
enum class  InputDeviceProfileType { Unity , Native }
enum class  InputDeviceStyle : int {
  Unknown = 0 , Xbox360 , XboxOne , XboxSeriesX ,
  PlayStation2 , PlayStation3 , PlayStation4 , PlayStation5 ,
  PlayStationVita , PlayStationMove , Ouya , Steam ,
  AppleMFi , AmazonFireTV , NVIDIAShield , NintendoNES ,
  NintendoSNES , Nintendo64 , NintendoGameCube , NintendoWii ,
  NintendoWiiU , NintendoSwitch , GoogleStadia , Vive ,
enum class  InputDeviceTransportType : ushort { Unknown , USB , Bluetooth }
enum class  LockAxis : int { None , Horizontal , Vertical }
enum class  DragAxis : int { Both , Horizontal , Vertical }
enum class  TouchControlAnchor : int {
  TopLeft , CenterLeft , BottomLeft , TopCenter ,
  Center , BottomCenter , TopRight , CenterRight ,
enum class  TouchSpriteShape : int { Oval , Rectangle }
enum class  TouchType : int { Direct , Indirect , Stylus , Mouse }
enum class  TouchUnitType : int { Percent , Pixels }


delegate Vector2 DeadZoneFunc (float x, float y, float lowerDeadZone, float upperDeadZone)

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ InputControlType

enum InputControlType : int

An enumeration of input controls. This includes both the standardized set of controls and a variety of non-standard and generic unnamed controls.