InControl: NGUI

Getting InControl to work with NGUI is possible. I don’t have any NGUI experience myself, but several users have reported success with it. The following script (attached to UICamera in the NGUI hierarchy) should get you started:

public class CustomInputCamera : MonoBehaviour
    void Start()

    public static void SetCustomInput()
        UICamera.onCustomInput = CustomInput;

    public static void CustomInput()
        if (UICamera.selectedObject == null)

        //The default NGUI cancel key is KeyCode.JoystickButton1 and will cause
        //NGUI to intercept this and set the selected object to null
        //before we get a chance to interpret the input. Setting it to
        //KeyCode.None will cause it to ignore that test.
        UICamera.current.cancelKey1 = KeyCode.None;

        InputDevice device = InputManager.ActiveDevice;

        if (device.Action1.WasPressed)
            UICamera.selectedObject.SendMessage( "OnClick" );

        if (device.Direction.Up.WasPressed)
            UICamera.currentScheme = UICamera.ControlScheme.Controller;
            UICamera.selectedObject.SendMessage( "OnKey", KeyCode.UpArrow );

        if (device.Direction.Down.WasPressed)
            UICamera.currentScheme = UICamera.ControlScheme.Controller;
            UICamera.selectedObject.SendMessage( "OnKey", KeyCode.DownArrow );

        if (device.Direction.Right.WasPressed)
            UICamera.currentScheme = UICamera.ControlScheme.Controller;
            UICamera.selectedObject.SendMessage( "OnKey", KeyCode.RightArrow );

        if (device.Direction.Left.WasPressed)
            UICamera.currentScheme = UICamera.ControlScheme.Controller;
            UICamera.selectedObject.SendMessage( "OnKey", KeyCode.LeftArrow );

You may also need to comment out the following code in UICamera:

// Update the keyboard and joystick events
// if (mCurrentSelection != null) ProcessOthers();