Posts tagged with: ‘serialization’
Two weeks ago I started a series of introductory posts on Archivist, a library for simple serialization in C++. I wrote Archivist for my game, Swivel, which is now in the App Store.
Today I’d like to show you how to deal with basic inheritance with Archivist. We’ll get into polymorphism in a future post.
Let’s extend our first example with some inheritance. Let&r
I’m thrilled to be a part of iDevBlogADay for which this is my first post. I hope I will be able to contribute something of worth to the community every Tuesday. I have several bits of code to release as I go along too, so hopefully you will find it helpful!
Yesterday, I outlined my motivations for a creating library called Archivist. You may want to check that out.
In short: Serializa
Swivel had a particularly nasty bug. It crashed while loading my application state, but only occasionally—sometimes once a day, sometimes every hour. This turned out to be one tough error to find.
I spent many hours going over my code with a fine-toothed comb, running memory debuggers, rewriting and refactoring anything suspect or complex, throwing in extra validations and checks. While