In case this is driving you up the wall:
The new Xcode 4 template locations are:
- /Developer/Library/Xcode/Templates/...
- ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/...
Additionally, Xcode 4 changed the File Templates to use a triple-underscore instead of guillemets. The following tags can be used in File Templates.[1]
Current date (using NSCalendarDate format “%x”).
Full path of the file’s parent directory.
Full file name, as typed by user.
File name without the extension.
File name without the extension, mangled to a legal C-style identifier.
Current file’s extension.
Full name of the logged in user.
Name of the project to which the file was added (blank if none).
Name of the project, mangled to a legal C-style identifier.
Name of the project, as a valid XML string.
Current time (using NSCalendarDate format “%X”).
Account name (“short name”) of the logged in user.